10. 1. 2009

New Moon The Book

The Summary

The New Moon begins with the Alices celebration of the Bellas 18 birthday. Bella is not happy that she turn 18, because she is older than Edward, and she knows that she is going to be older each day. But still, she accept to go to the party, but there happens the accident, when Bella cut of the paper of the gifts. In that moment Jasper becomes thirsty and he wants Bellas blood, but fortunately Cullens stop him. Because of this, Edward realises that he must left Bella.
Bella is sad - she is living in the memories, she does not read the books, does not listen the music and does not watch television. She has nightmares and she does not talk with the friends. But Charlie wants to send her back to her mother, so she decides to try living normal life - she again talks with her friends and visites Jacob in the La Push, because she wants that he fix some bikes. This helps. He is making Bella happier and he feels something for her. Later, she discover that he becomed werewolfe. Victoria is also back and she wants to revenge James death by killing Bella, but because the werewolfes are protecting her, she exit the Forks.When Bella and Jacob fix up the bikes, they decide to try to drive it. But than, something amazing happens. Bella is hearing Edwards voice saiying that she has to stop. She thinks that this happens because of the andrenalin. She wants to hear his voice again, so she jump from the cliff. But water is cold and she is not strong enough to swim. Fortunately, Jacob rescue her and take her to home.
When they come to the home,Jacob smell the vampires and he think that this is Victoria. He wants to take her to La Push, but Bella is sure that this is Carlisle, so she wants to go home. Jake leave her here and go away. She is right in one way - it is not Victoria, but Alice. Alice saw her jumping of the cliff and so she wanted to help Charlie. Alice is suprised when she saw her, but Bella explains everything. Unfortunately, Alïce had say all Rosalie and she sayd everything Edward. Edward is not trusting her, so he calls Charlie. The phone raises Jacob, who say that he is on the funeral (Jake is right, but Charlie is on the funeral of the Harry). Edward decide to go to Volterra to ask Volturi to kill him, but they do not want to. They think that this is the waisting of the talent, so he decides to show himself in the sunlight in the place full of people (This is violation of the rules, so Volturi will destroy him). In the same time Alice saw all this and she with Bella go to the Volterra to rescue Edward. They come right in time, because Edward is coming to the sunlight. Unfortunately, Volturi see this and they are taking them to talk with Aro (Aro is the leader of the Volturi and he can read mind when he touch the person). Aro wants to left with one condition, that Bella will become vampire. Edward does not wants to, but Alice shows him the prediction and Aro agree to left them go.


Every cover of the Twilight Saga symbolizes something. This cover is symbolizing caducous flower - Bella, when Edward leaves her.

Written by Li x)

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