10. 1. 2009

Eclipse The Book

The Summary

The Eclipse begins with revelation that in the Seattle is a line of unsolved murders. The Cullens thinks that this do newborn vampires. Newborn vampers can not control its thirst and first year are very strong, stronger than Emmette. Alice has a vision that Victoria is back in the Forks to kill Bella. In the mean time, Bella is explaining Edward that she wants to be again frined with Jacob, but Edward does not want to let her to go to La Push, because he thinks that werewolfes are dangerous. But Bella still insists and on the end, Edward is leting her to go. She realises that she wants to make love with Edward before she become vampire. First Edward does not want to, he is explainig her that he could easely kill her. But on the end he agree with the condition that she has to marry him and she accept. The Cullens reveles that behind the murders in Seattle are really newborn vampires with Victoria, who wants to revenge James by killing Bella. The Cullens and werewolfes unite, because they want to protect Bella, especially Jacob, who loves her. She loves him to, but no that much as Edward. On the end, Victorias army feels Bellas scent and she founds them, but Edward kills her and other Cullens with werewolfes kill the rest of newborn vampires. After the batle, Alice prepars the wedding and she send invitations. When Jacob recives invitation, he runs way to the north, because he is angry that Bella wants to become vampire and that he wants to marry him.

The Cover

The cover of the Eclipse is symbolizing the Bellas tendency to end with her humans life, which is not easy.

Written by Li x)

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